Top Sixteen visual tips to champion Women's Inclusivity and Gender Safety

Top sixteen Visual Tips To Championing Women WorkForce πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Q1 Let’s begin! Why is it important for entrepreneurs to champion, hire and empower women with and through their business? @CommFdnsCanada #StartupChats #StartupImpact

According to BPW CANADA, and World Economic Forum, it would only take 117 years for women to be equal to men. As societies, organizations, and history has proved - there is violence & harassment for older women - being replaced by younger women. The media, society and entertainment industry exacerbated this gap. A woman need to wear gender neutral pants, run in marathon, and hide their hair to suppress their female voice. That’s still a part of our human culture wherein social proof -science-and evidence applies to a woman but does not apply for men-who break rules. For woman her past experience is looked at. For men their future potential is analyzed. Media headlines are filled with charachters like Harvey Weinstein - who gets framed for sexual assualt. The entrepreneurs have to champion the bridging of the gap - to push the clock forward and not backward so that they champion , hire and empower women in workforce proactively beyond STEM . #StartupImpact #StartupChats

Q3.How can building a more diverse and inclusive team impact growth for startup businesses? @CommFdnsCanada #StartupChats #StartupImpact

A3. Diversity is a great area to champion. Talent and Workforce that is diverse in thinking, in economic segments, in technical skills, in age criteria, in political beliefs, in functional occupation lend a lot of richness in events, public policy, social selling and social influencing. We shared campaigns such as 'Better is Always Possible' that sets context on being inclusive - being open, questoning unexpected behavior, and offering high unconditional regard to diverse workforce. Especially women(young, middle age, senior) need to be part of the board representation-to make critical decisions. #StartupChats #StartupImpact

Q6 How can entrepreneurs build a women-focused employee and HR strategy? @CommFdnsCanada #StartupChats #StartupImpact
A6. As a woman-I stronly advocate gender safety. Entrepreneurs must work with Federal, provincial governments , social organizations including advisory council to make workforce-women focused and HR strategy that supports giving visual aid for  women in their 20s to navigate. Vernacular foreign language women, women of color, or chronically sedantary women(irrespective of their skin color) must be given appropriate language training to create visual stories- so that they are able to protect their health, lifestyle choices, their kitchen, their heart, their home and work place as a BROADER extension to the world . They must be able to work with social organizations to champion better productivity for boosting motivation levels of their own health-before protecting others. Save your gut and life before saving others. #StartupChat #StartupImpact

"Channels-Brief CEO Karishma- suite of services is on lookout for apps that allow you to track female health-and they stay true to beating GBV. Many young women in unsafe settlements still receive inappropriate phone calls when they step out-their voices are controlled - lack safe bed(s), restroom(s)-and they need tech and free access to mentors, information''. Just as Facebook social network-urged the need for old men's network to be on all video channels-girls-and women in progress need to move beyond their stereotypes and fight hard for ageism and biases. Professional women need to show way for women who still have been victims of GBV-and their accounts are controlled by intimate partners or larger groups. If you're a women in "spotlight" and not safe-think of how you can help others around you"

 Exhibit 1: Counter Eating Disorder Sexism Bias

Listen to chronically inactive women-and wonder why they blow up in shape to uphold an image of feminism and sexism. Can they negotiate better health and safety rules with their financial agents.

Eating Disorder Week highlights Sedantary Activity and other screenbiases that allow one to look a certain way or be a certain way. Many professional women-show actor(s) suffer from obesity. Many women are given non-prescriptive drug-to look a certain form-or look a certain age. I(karishma) can can name few photo studio(s) that work hard on creating hyperinflated-zoombombed-or photobombed images and administer substance abuse (non-prescriptive drugs)-enlarging sizes of subjects to highlight overenlarged imagery.  That's a proof of criminal offence and violence perpetrated by various mission organizations and these spreaders must be stopped. Objectification of women, substance abuse-wherein they are portrayed in a certain way after giving drugs-is a big barrier to women who are in spotlight. Kari recognizes women who are in spotlight and still unsafe.

Exhibit 2: Embrace babycare health tips

Community Groups-and Units must look at sharing safe healthy food choices. There could be lists created for women-to be able to embrace sleep, nutrition and exercise. What to Eat While Pregnant- Sharing right food items with pre-natal women groups-so that they can procreate better again is a women's inclusivity agenda-that reinforces better community impact. Always nice to reference our @channels-brief grocery checklist. Our Foods List is applicable to women-all age groups (13-65)

Exhibit 3: Follow Charity Village Social Justice Grid

 "Make Settlements inclusive, safe and celebratory. Refer Our Tutorial on GBV and toxic eye-tracking"- Kari, CEO

While Investing in women-majority sectors is equally as important as investing in non-traditional sectors -women majority sectors could look at creating ethical format(s) of leadership beyond driving mission based goals. Gender health is more than a group badge- and it could enable better gender health for each member. Women need to drive leadership-aand their could be education given to not allow phone accounts| email accounts- to be c controlled by third-party and companies that do not compensate her.

Gender Safety gets attacked  when women are made vulnerable and painted in a certain stereotype-for not being able to sing, and dance in a group picture with others. Normally a woman of color, a woman in a stereotype megamaniacal zoom lens- or on larger than life persona -are used to instigate discrimination and offense. Gender Safety begins with education-to evaluate the conversations that could get toxic. Hate has no place on progressive platforms. Hate has plenty of place on regressive schools-wherein everyone has time to indulge in hateful banter.

Exhibit 4: Understand Safe Campaigns,  Discrimination and Harassment

Entrepreneurs from wonderful companies - 
Image result for how many entrepreneurs are on startup canada
200,000 entrepreneurscould benefit from addressing topics such as discrimination and harassment in the workplace -and address that in context of health, safety, privacy and security. Also what can be done if an intern, employee is laid off based on discrimination and harassment. What is a good safe hiring strategy-to attract using gender safety and inclusivity principles. 

Exhibit 5- Counter Intimate Gender Privacy Violence

Canadian Centre for Disease of Control North America - highlights Intimate Gender Violence can be countered by  teaching safe and healthy relationship skills to youth, co-workers, roomates, marital spouse-on how to identify laggards -resorting to violence. If you are a learner-a student-you can champion using the safe tools to be risk free-harassment free-and free from any discrimination. Karie recognizes how intimate gender violence is something that needs to be taught without blaming technology to create such violence.

Exhibit 6: List issues with Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking and Surveillance is a single most cause of perpetrating gender based violence that can take a movie, music or liberal art major into a violent abusive survivor tendency. Highlight the issues with eye tracking  by anonymized charachters, or pseudonymized patrons-  eye tracking and anonymous browsing is similar to watching user stories of dogs-and cats- they remain far from human stories of trust-and inspiration. The context really matters- eye tracking can be toxic if it does not perpetrate human connections.

Exhibit 7: Highlight sustainable settlements movies and stories that have empathy

channelsbrief_ca- CEO Kari is supporting SDG Goals- shared at Salesforce Equality Conference. Check the conference-as  cities and human settlements need to be inclusive, safe and resilient . There are movies that showcase sustainable settlements as well as stories on gender based violence . The Salesforce Equality Conference reinforces representation. Representation matters to uphold UN SDG Goal number 11 and Goal number 12. There are many fearless communities that have credible content - they look at producing their own meals-and highlighting better stories.  Women girls- learn best if they are trained not to go through substance abuse-and that's where freedom and safety begins. If you're safe to choose, experiment, fall, get up and move forward -you can plan next three months-and even next three hundred days better. You'd learn more in democratic setup(s) than autocratic setup(s) that push you to wear an image.

Exhibit 8: Seek second opinion on pathological doctors perpetrating fake statistics

Many health practitioners worldwide they track health using the metrics of the times a girl visits a rest room-that's a sure signal of human violence perpetrated by toxic nations. Are you bumping your health scores by tracking a girl's pathological situation. Understand the toxicity and poor habits of many nations that never reach G7 Status-as they are busy looking at the lavatory.

List groups, communities that spread hate- violence-and doomsday on social network(s)-and how they create roadblocks for female's health. Many young girls are shown stories that could endanger their lives-and their trajectory. Women's health needs to be championed by offering stories that uphold better models of development. 

Exhibit 9:  Understand Community Grants For Gender Based Violence

Mental Health Initiatives are used by companies such as BELL to mitigate risks . 775 Community Fund Grants are supported by Bell Lets Talk for Women who're denied a call, phone or an audio outreach. Get out there -use a phone-microphone-and speak.

Role of corporate consent in eliminating Gender Based Violence 

If there's not a deliberate consent- Gender Based Violence can proliferate  in many settlements . It could happen through marriage studios, school functions, or even better video interviews. 

Watch the video on the trouble with GBV. GBV in unsafe settlements allow women to flee from dangerous places. This sort of behavior should be reversed,

Exhibit 10: Train  Youth Stewards to re-educate on intelligent info collection

Safe Healthcare practices entail questioning the why, what, when, where by youth stewards. Our network has great youth stewards who push the agenda. We are also thankful to  Imperial Life Building and their teams-running camps to eliminate pathological jokes-that miscolor information.

Exhibit 11: Know the Signs of Abuse

Know the Signs of Technology Abuse- Constantly Texts You. Send you negative insulting or threatening emails-using phones, Puts You Down in their Status Updates, Insists to be given your password and locks through your phone. This could be anyone in the friends, family community, stakeholder-who pushes their story through technology tools. That person insists to be given your passwords-and looks through your phone. You suddenly realize that your phone at workplace goes missing-and then you are part of an ID Data Theft that you don't recognize. You realize that a coworker-or someone you met at a cafe is putting you down in their status updates. You realize that on pre-text of an offsite training they are breaking into a privacy protocol. You soon realize that they are trying to bump up their region ratings by using your personal information.  Break from that human prison- if you're still stuck in that prison through a phone screen and large hidden  zoom lens cameras that are sharing photobombing images in a group event---start walk away from those conversations.

Exhibit 12: Question (?) Open-Sourced Collaboration and Conversations

Zoom in on this accessible image-to learn how women are targets of political leverage, toxic rituals and identity theft at their workplace. That's something that many women are not able to understand and realize. Open sourced collaboration reduces trust.

  Topic: 1 in 6 Youths  (around 5000 ethnicities) report being victims of Cyber Bullying as they are in a student led organization wherein they go through physical dating violence and mating violence. Normally the schools have enabled high school students to have a phone wherein they play games-and do various learners toolkits-to show their development or the lack of development. These child growing stories in an open-sourced collaborative community can be exciting if the subject is shared in a great way-but it can be confounding (surprising) if it's used to promote political leverage or ID theft using phone messaging. Also open sourced collaboration on phones, zoom, web, messenger can be safe and it also can be unsafe if it's coming through an unfiltered mechansism. As Cisco Chief- Michelle Dennedy  said no young parent must be punished for not picking up their kids from school. No surveillance tools or technology-as I (Karishma) share must be used to confound a person's behavior or use that to push political leverage.

Start ignoring group photos that miscolor community stories 

 Start ignoring group photos that miscolor stories:)

Exhibit 13: Re-look at Funding for communities that enable political leverage

Channels Brief CEO , Karie explained the primary motivation of hacking. It's not the technology or devices that do this-but if you receive automated responses-follow ups by alias -it's a political leverage and ID theft.

The dark side of web are the million dating platforms that are being used through a phone sharing App. It's not the act of dating that is questionable but how does dating happen that allows a company to be inflammatory, offensive or desirable. Also she explained how home offices must offer safe havens for entrepreneurship. Home offices can be centres of entrepreneurship. We also talked about dark side of web-wherein any experience can be miscolored if it's not administered well. 

Are you on dark web-and call it a million $ venture backed silicon valley company because you are inspired by social media. No personally identifiable information is private. Dark Web is a very distinctly toxic phenomenon that no company must champion. A dark web-enabled dating site is more toxic than any social media website that offers free public and personally identifiable information.

DARK web is uniquely different- A Trillion $ backed company can be outrageous if it offers dating violence through their customer user experience platforms.

Special Note: While this chart showcases the problem with devices, smartphones but it's not about devices as much as it's about control , education and consent by minors, females to be able to differentiate safety, and conscious choices of being safe. 

Exhibit 14:  Understand Principles of Quebec Private Sector Act

Quebec Private Sector Act talks of four main principles- A person or an indiviudal (on pre-text of a job ad or a marital dating ad ) must not acquire a serious , reasonable and legitimate reason for establishing a personal information of someone.  That is a criminal offense . Every individual , a women , a teen has the right to access his/her file - unless there's a serious reason to violate or refuse access.Every individual/ girl -teen  has the right to correct an inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete file.  Every corporation that opens a file of an individual is supposed to maintain confidentiality. The Quebec Private Sector Act applies to all households that try to acquire personal information on pre-text of a job, or marital ad to assess age, sex, location.

Every individual has right to correct an incorrect or an obsolete file. We are trying to reach to larger audience-and share this so that it can be instituted into a House of Commons Bill that allows it to be a legal concept-that allows better administration of adult development irrespective of ethnicities-and color skin.

Exhibit 15:   Question Analytics on Fragile CX

Fragile X Syndrome is a developmental disabilities that is perpetartated trying to advocate false health information around developmental disabilities. X Syndrome-as well as food insecurity-are few health issues that question inclusivity principles and women have a role to play in championing false health information-that are psychological and not biological but given the label of a biological stigma.

Exhibit 16:   Reinforce friendly conversations

Time management is the secretive mantra to better quality of life. You'd have seen our article on happiest countries- Reinforce Friendly Conversations-and make room to say yes to spouse, top clients, no to sales people, telemarketers-and maybe to midlevel clients and coworkers. The top companies that uphold women in enterprises include 50-30 Diversity Challenge, The Ontario Women's Liberal Commussion, Be Talentminded, as well as @LeanIn Org, the specific financial service Fortune 100 companies that make room for women to be working in safe and included environments.

About Karishma (Karie) Channels Brief: 

Karishma , shared Sixteen Visual Tips to Championing Women's inclusivity. She is very happy to have received great reference for training social entreprises on championing women workforce using social impact tools such as gender based violence. She talked about removing systemic biases-penalizing companies that work on zoom bombing images-or misrepresenting information, looking at making better childcare, caregiving tools that allow youth to not be victims of dating violence. Better childcare support allows better performance by women. She also talked of not looking at smartphones as a reason for violence but understanding how Gender Based Violence-can allow companies, settlements, business to be less sustainable, 

For reading more about Championing women refer commentary articles:

Thank you Kari so much again for joining us as an advisor during #StartupChats on Championing Women With Your Startup, powered by Community Foundations Canada (@CommFdnsCanada). We are so pleased that you were able to share your knowledge and hope that you were able to pick up some followers along the way.

The event had 50 contributors, 26.8 million impressions . Thank You @CommFdnsCanada for your appreciation-as it was great to spread safe, inclusive message.


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