Ten Style tips that you don't see at MET GALA

Ten Style & Fashion Tips That You Don't see at MET GALA

1. Fashionable Evergreen Styles start by creating a style guide 
It's always nice to have a view of the events that you plan to go for-on work, business as well as casual-understand your job industry-and create a publicity plan around evergreen styles. You need to be traditional, classic without looking like a blank brain.

2. Try being open to nice subtle classics. 

Embrace casual clothes, or subtle classics. I enjoy wearing Pinafore. 

I always have Pinafores in my wardrobe. Never say No to Pinafore. Pinafore are great A Line dresses that allow you to be casual without being super comfortable. Watch how your style shows the best self of you. Try keeping your designs your personal and business brand.

3.  Have an outlook on pandemic and use that to stay relevant

Have an outlook for pandemic to stay relevant. Look at clothes that fit in with the season. A nice fleece jacket-works on even super windy days. Have a good color of the fleece jacket. If you can-make sure you wear clothes that allow you to move and stay casual. Wear leggings, activewear skirts, nice woolen tops-and avoid denims or institutional clothes. 

Wear nice and colorful clothes-and stay active. A casual jacket makes a great impact. Create a cheerful spirit that does not make you look like you're going to a funeral, counting on cases- or coming back from one. Also avoid wearing clothes that look too stage friendly (fancy flowing gowns, fancy drapes) but not people friendly.

4. Research Tips on lens that don't create megamaniacal potrait

Research tips on keeping your look such that it's casual-groomed-professional but does not take you to potrait-1080 x 700 zoom lens-of hyper zoom unless you're a senior. Avoid and cancel those who use such megamaniacal lenses- avoid those sessions. Make sure you send a quick research tip on the audience and what would they like to see from your style. If you're sharing a fashion photography keep it dignified. If you're sharing work picture keep that suited to your lens.

5. Never wear a long-flowing gown or loose drape while walking. 

Always look at keeping long-flowing gown or loose drape away from your style sheet. If you have a cultural long-drape that you had worn-maybe park it away for special personal ethnic occassion. They could hinder your walk. Have long-flowing ethnocultural wardrobe- a one in many years must have scenario. You don't want to wear a night gown meets bathrobe and be caught in the public eye-unless you are non-essential. YOU ARE NON-ESSENTIAL if you wear long drapes everywhere everyday.

6. Quit on that little black dress and no make up straight look- 

Quit on that little black dress and no makeup straight look. Did You Know that they make you look like you're mourning in your dad's funeral. If you don't wear makeup-and always go for a group all boys program in a little black dress- you can be deemed a non-essential slug. Never be a  nursing, bartending slug. Look at colors that can brighten up the world. Think of yourself as someone-you'd like to show the world. Reference digital tools such as Instagram color palette. Instead of wearing solid black(s), brown(S) uniform-break from that group pressure. Use your spark. Don't lose it. It's nice to have reference guide of Red, Green(s) and Blue. Wear apparel that is not black cheap spandex (used at funerals and weddings)- and have rich colorful apparel- something that can be handwashed-or machine washed. 

7. Get a Hairspray and gel: Toss your hair-and put a hairgel or spray. Embrace a culture of keeping your hair tied on days that enable you to move around without drawing too much attention. Keep your hair updated-and always wear a hairspray-and keep it groomed that reflects your inner image, the presence and your passion.

Use Dove Style- Care Gel Volumizing and Hair Serum

8. Makeup Tips: Always avoid too much pasty makeup that make you prima donna or very uniquely old fashioned. Definitely use a foundation, a little blush but it's nice to blend the colors. Always gift a bright lipstick that makes you look stylish. Sometimes it's nice to stay conservative and casual. Gift yourself a nice selfie lens-to color that image. Also respect and dignity comes from the way you blend-but again it depends on the job demands, and the event plan.

Exhibit on Makeup

12 Hour High Cream Foundation- High Coverage Foundation. Yves Rocher Zero Default Comfort lasts for 12 hour high coverage.

A Bobby Brown Stick Foundation Works Always. I always have a foundation stick-and it works in any nice business meetings or elegant conversations. It makes one look good but it's not too made up. You don't want to look like your mom's bridal artist everyday but only on special occassions.

9. Accessorize: Try to invest in a nice bracelet or a piece of jewellery that makes you look set for your style plan. Try wearing a comfortable look. The Style Tips must follow the overall personal branding as well as your work images and sets you for higher salary.

10. Have great accessories- a cleaning gel and handbags: Use a Clarins moisturizer , a clear fragrance preferably Kenzo-and good handbags that keep you organized. Have a Kate Spade Crossbody if you don't want too much bulk and want to run for a casual chore. Groom your casual style. People and multimedia must not make you lose your style. Don't wear a Coachella if the design is not something you like to sling on your shoulder- and it does not go with your garment color(s)

11. Start you conversation with - basics. Keep things casual. Work your wine and your mind. Comment Allez Vous. Sa Vous Dit. Did You Revive This Without Me- Revive Cette Tendance Sans Moi

Well the ten fashion tips that you don't find at MET GALA 2021

But if you're craving for some bold makeup, outrageous designs, floral visual splendour and gowns that put you in a box -you must see MET GALA fashion events.

QUIT ON THAT LITTLE BLACK DRESS meant for MS CHINA. You don't need to be on display everyday.




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