Best Countries For Women in 2019 (of 80 Countries)

World Index-on Best Countries For Women

Best Countries For Women in 2019-of 80 countries


Best Countries in the world  treat men, children-and women not only as teammates or extra spots buffs-but also stimulate women, energize children-as well as create bigger canvases for women, children and families to feel excitement, stimulation, support them make them successful. Normally disturbed countries , marginalized communities treat men,woman and children as a human prison. Most such communities are region(s) that report high level of gender based violence. Notice the placement of regions such as US, and France. These regions still have dated old boy(s) network that dominate press, media and conversations....

So now here's what I'd like to share:

Top countries that appreciate women 

Practice Allyship

Women leaders, Social Enterprises, Thrive Global, Lean In Network(s) enable better Allyship to reduce Gender Based Violence that war fleeing nations perpetrate. Progressive forums view women, identities from a lens that is liberating of their errors, ommissions, mistakes-and do not administer negative rants. Top influential women include Margaret Atwood, Autum Pelltier, Arlene Dickinson (who spoke at the SalesForce Equality Conference)- and other women such as Angela Merkel, Queen Elizabeth, Oprah Winfrey, Melinda Gates, Movie billionaire entrepreneurs--who've enabled building that bridge with women communities to champion better allyship and trust frameworks.

Mc Kinsey and Lean In talk of Gender Disparity that occurs due to mismanaged power structures that oddly put women in a cage- that allows women to flee from dangerous nations. It's hilarious how various progressive forums are still repeating and rinsing the same keywords that they did share for their grandparents. Old Boys Network(s) and Old Boys Press are exactly the phrases that the generations use-to describe the gaps. 

Potraits of women on Social Media pre-determine exposure

Fintrack exposes gender based exploitation- the news that makes their profession vulnerable- talks of discussion. Many American companies still work on a hands on deck with women from dangerous places-and visible minorities-as they face the risk of being typified in a category role that they don't belong to. Many workforce would enter a room and the folks will leave. They face the risk of being objectified and demonized for the fact they belong to nations that were wrapped in grief, and fear. Potraits of these women by many patrolling agents become breaking headlines on CNN newswire. 

They have been icons of human exploitation-and through allyship they move into a smarter environment . However allyship is not about calling a women a token of a certain gender or a race. Allyship is not about running multilevel gems and jewellery and marketing scam-that allows these women to get a wedding ring-and their civil rights are made a political leverage. Civil rights, Human Rights depends on their persuasive process of getting adapted to their new career, jobs and embrace a lifestyle-that makes them western in their outlook and sophisticated in their inner wisdom. Life  happens when potraits of women on 1080 zoom lens are used to build inspiring allyship  story that they aspire to be .  They are made privy to various inspiring candid stories-and they raise in mental strength for being allies. In my candid conversations- I have shared why the top countries for women offer great frameworks-and they do not just rely on symbols , costumes, postures-but on language and allyship-and that's been a focus for us as we train folks on getting a skill upgrade.  While exploitation or being part of such a movement can be scary-the learnings could be opened up-that allows women to challenge the power structure(s) that use emotions, and symbols to perpetrate biase(s) and boost a pre-defined imagery.


Speak Out, Stand Up

It's always good to identify detractors-those who'd paint a dull image of someone who's not from their community-or lend a passionate, progressive vision of their charachters over others. Their commenting , critiquing on charachters is similar to spotting irrelevant spam in communities.  It is predicated on hate. It is predicated on lack of inclusive marketing principles.

It is okay to turn off your phone 
Dont respond to hostile, harassing abusive or inappropriate texts or messages
Tell a trusted adult about any abuse
You have the right to be ALONE and spend time with FRIENDS
Don't send message you would not want to be seen by others 
You don't have to share passwords
Save or document any troublesome texts-you can use as evidence

Best Countries For Women Offer Skills Upgrade 

Canadian Charity Village Village Vibes reinforces the need to ensure better investment in women in majority sectors and making women transition into a non-profit job(s)

In no way is my publication talking of upholding one country over the other-but it exposes why few regions seem to still be featured for those who flee.

Top factors to determine attractiveness in terms of living conditions for Women


You can write to us about your views-and we'll be happy to circulate it to our editorial teams.  Editorial Teams will be happy to receive your views on why you think top countries for women-manage women well. Reach Out to share stories of human exploitation. 

Best Countries For Women Practice Self Care- Please listen In.

One of the top criteria is the ability to visualize positive memorable experience(s) wherein qualified women are not punished for their mistakes-but treated as allies. Let's raise a toast to celebrating better media stories that promise visual therapies, and self-care primarily for women who've been disabled early in their lives.

Author: Kari- She strives to Champion Women For Startups-and ScaleUps-in communities across global locations. Send a message if you do believe that best countries for women offer something intangible that is unique.




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