8 Reasons Why Women Entrepreneurship must be celebrated

Statistics around women is still scary-as Karishma has observed.

Reasons Why Gender Lens is important in Entrepreneurship 

1. Women Entrepreneurs are Empathetic and Agile

Women Entrepreneurs are empathetic and Agile in terms of their response times. They are better listeners and they can socially handle any perverse situation with tact, and intelligence. They are not only kind women but deserve to be looked without age, maternal bias based on competencies.

2. Women Entrepreneurs receive less project and foundation Grants 

Women Entrepreneurs receive less project and foundation grants compared to the white male counterpart. The famous collective library of Leanin.org and Thrive Global have collected information on biases that relate to candidates based on their ability to assert.

3. Women  Entrepreneurs are historically underrepresented in powerful positions 

Pat Sorbara, a Canadian politician talks of her journey as she discusses with www.equalvoice.ca about the historical under-representation of women in powerful positions. Kate Graham discusses the lack of women in powerful positions. Outside public affairs and politics-women are also historically underrepresented in technology roles. Kathlynn Wynne, Maragaret Trudeau share their stories of women under-representation.

4. Women  Entrepreneurs that have led leadership positions  are few - within the 252 million women network

If we look into the landscape of successful entrepreneurs - women entrepreneurs who have been successful include the ones who spend money on media, look at celebrating other women entrepreneurs -and help uplift 252 million women entrepreneurs globally through a focused network. Arianna Huffington is a women who represents a publishing house. She runs her "Thrive Global" Institute well. Beyonce has pushed the boundaries of being called too aggressive, and brashy and created better stories around pop culture. It's not their physical appearance that makes them special but also their essence-and all they stand for. Karishma is trying hard to think of other female entrepreneurs outside the stereotypical fashion accessories, as well as publishing space-and she can think of Jane Goodall as another accomplished female entrepreneur. 

5. Women  Entrepreneurs are eligible for funding from Saskatchewan Innovation Board for 50,000$ in Canada

Canada is a progressive country-wherein gender equality is not a future goal. Canada is a country wherein patriarchy does not exist like it exists in many countries including China, and India. Canada is one of the happiest regions in the world for making every women feel special; The provinces of Canada are very kind in giving funding to women entrepreneurs to be part of the technology industry. There are recruiting organizations that enable better funding for women entrepreneurs and offer grant for 50,000 $ for learning to create mainstream technology jobs. As a CEO and co-founding president of Channels-Brief- Karishma and her team strive to enable building a case for women worldwide to pivot to new heights.

6. 21 out of 100 women mothers in remote parts of Canada are single women raising their kids in poverty

Social Enterprises and Institutions related to gender, diversity and inclusion has shared the alarming statistics . 21 out of 100 single women raise their kids in poverty. There are many aboriginal women who can rise to the level of power. They could be elected or liked. We still need more case studies on how can women in remote parts of Canada in Aboriginal, Indigenous communities reach highest level of entrepreneurship.

7. Forbes Magazine celebrates women entrepreneurs in fashion, and broadcasting 

Forbes Magazine celebrates Sara Blakely, Arianna Huffington for being able to get funding for their business. There are many media channels that sell products in fashion, and glamour but there are not enough publications that celebrate Jane Goodall or the work done by Pat Sorbara, or share stories of success and power. It's time to negotiate the gender disparity by being inclusive in agreements. It's time to make simple conversations reach mainstream media centrefold.

8. It's time to take the discussions of vernacular women of color struggles on Lean In Org to more neighbourhoods

LeaninOrg and @facebooknewsroom shared a glaring statistic about the American employment market. They did not talk about entertainment stars- Reese Witherspoon character in slick movie "Legally Blonde". They did not share the entrepreneurial struggle of Kendall Jenner. 

They talked about the vernacular women , visible minorities, racialized women, women from war fleeing zones- who need support from multiple places to reverse hostility. They talked of the biased lens for a woman job applicant. A woman applicant is evaluated based on her past history. A White Male Applicant is evaluated based on his future potential. This is a demographic and racial statistic. The disparity exists in Canada, UK, Netherlands, Middle East. Lean In Org talks of the disparities that exist in the employment world. It's time to take the bold discussions of Lean In Org to more neighbor-hoods . Women and Men have had a mismatch of resources if we look at the American Employment Statistics. While the American Employment statistics talks of the White Anglo-Saxon male asserting their position in all prime jobs- the study does expose the power struggles-and the need to compete without being coded a certain way. White Male community is a code for privilege but these  discussions around employment are not just a metaphor. Men and economy need to be viewed by the social, financial and public emergency lens. Women need not fire men, or abuse men to move up the ranks. Men need not be angry, hating men to gain respect from women. Elect-ability to a role depends on likability-and respectability. It's time to make the discussions of vernacular women of color who struggle on Facebook to mainstream board rooms and progressive news rooms so that they reach high levels of elect-ability and like-ability. Karishma, Channels-Brief supports success for vernacular women of color through their daily struggles. They need to move on the entrepreneurship vehicle of success.

We strive to champion women for startups and scaleups. Our company is looking at collecting interesting unique insights around championing women and celebrating women entrepreneurship that allows women communities to move up the compensation ladder. We don't endorse @LeanIn but it's a very realistic model that is used by women labor to negotiate.


Status of Women Office: https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/government-structure/boards-commissions-and-agencies/status-of-women-office

Multipartisan Office upholding Women's Rights: https://www.linkedin.com/company/equal-voice/?originalSubdomain=ca

Equal Voice- media library

he nomination period to join Equal Voice's Board of Directors is now #OPEN! You need to be a member to #vote &/or run, sign up here: bit.ly/2OK7KpQ and visit our website for all the documents you need: bit.ly/3fPNUFA. Deadline: August 31, 2020.

Big thanks to and for talking #womeninpolitics today with . Good discussions on identifying, retaining and supporting women throughout the political process and how to encourage more multi-partisanship. #cdnpoli


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